It was with considerable relief that I reckoned at the soul-level with a relationship of the past that I’d deemed, harsh as it sounds, largely a waste of precious time. Wounds from one’s past that have gone unacknowledged, whether incurred due to carelessness or calculated cruelty will necessarily retain an unhealed layer. Healing is not just a gap bridged from a destructive to repaired state of being; it is coming to terms with the fact that something valuable was not adequately protected, and the resulting effect was devastation.
Mourning can be a form of honoring what was lost in that which threatened one’s well-being, and can flow unchecked at a sub level for very lengthy periods of time if not recognized.
When I realized the relationship I’d worn like a patch over the scar tissue of past hurts was not a foolish waste of time, applying a ‘bandaid to a scar’ as much as it was merely the indication I had not honored the loss of the past, brought a sense of personal vindication that I did not know I needed until the epiphany came. A door finally closed.