What does it mean to be called to do something?
We like to frame ‘calling’ in terms of doing what matters most, accomplishing what is central to one’s being. Calling involves an inner knowing that we are where we need to be, doing what we need to be doing. It can be a wordless unction, or at other times, a very clearly articulated bidding. Each of us can attest to the power of the spoken word in our lives; words have the power to start revolutions, destroy apathy, and bring life.
Yet, words too often can harm, and as most of us can personally attest, utterances spoken over us that have been overly critical and at times demeaning can throw us out of the center where we once moved with the effortless motion that always accompanies destiny and purpose. We can wander in a wasteland when led astray even by well-meaning remarks that are nevertheless untrue relative to the way we are to walk. We are each gifted uniquely, but from childhood, there are forces poised to throw us off-center and into patterns of destruction and chaos when we near that place of movement at optimal levels.
When considering calling, it is crucial to remember that it is the fountain of raw, innate skill within that matters, that needs to not only be acknowledged but honored to thrive and to grow.
So, what of trials and snares along the called way? While it is true that we all want to operate in the peace that allows us to work and develop and progress in our earthly destinies, more often than not, we spend much time fighting just to hold our ground. There are many obstacles which must be overcome to achieve that place in life where we are rock solid in who we are with respect to our calling. That seasoned places is where we enjoy growth and the opportunity to help others recognize and grow in the giftings that they are likewise called to pursue.
What is perhaps most encouraging is to remember that to be called to something suggests there is Someone doing the calling, that inhabits our inner world to such a degree that we are fully known. How many times have we been tempted to give up on a purpose, only to have something come along to affirm who we are, to cheer us on, and remind us that we are on track even if our run has slowed to a crawl or even come to a standstill. What matters is that we are still on the track.
To be sure, there can be detours along the way, both planned and unplanned. Some are supplemental to our primary purposes, some can be self-sabotaging mindsets of defeat generating acitvities that lead nowhere. Yet, even those arid zones will ultimately lead to the place where we come full circle to the deep vocation we were always intended to follow in, when we allow the Source of the call to step in and guide. Much like a GPS, life in the spirit not only allows route corrections along the way, it defaults to them in the most efficient manner possible.